We can make decorative artisan crafts from mason jars as well as using them to store food. Decorative mason jars are great for storing materials and adding interior design to any area in your home. These are a few simple steps you should remember for this mason jar project.

It’s important to wash mason jars and remove their labels before decorating them. Gather your art materials. These include: acrylic paint, glitter, ribbons, threat, beads, a glue gun, fabric paint, waterproofing solution and stencils to name a few. There are numerous ways of decorating mason jars so it’s important to know the important underlying steps first.

After the jars are clean and dried, place newspaper on a surface and apply a base coat of paint to the jar. You make have to apply 2 to 3 layers of paint. Once these layers dry apply decorative paint designs. If desired you can follow this painting with waterproofing solution.

After the paint decals are done, you can apply bead work to the exterior with a glue gun. Now you can apply ribbons or thread around the neck of the mason jar. Painting the mason jar lids is also a great idea. Place the lids on top of smaller jars to paint them more easily. Your jar is now ready to be place where you want it.

Gather your art materials. These include: acrylic paint, glitter, ribbons, threat, beads, a glue gun, fabric paint, waterproofing solution and stencils to name a few. There are numerous ways of decorating mason jars so it's important to know the important underlying steps first.


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